We are back and with two incredible new events! All Fees reduced to only $50! No coupon required. Limited time only.
Remember: You must be logged in to book. If you are an approved Seller or Food Truck from The Odd Market, it was transferred to the new site. Use your login from The Odd Market. If you lost your password please use the reset password feature or email me to reset it. phillip@theoddmarket.com
Introductory Rates: $50 food trucks or Seller Booths. These rates are 50% off the regular rates and will not last long. You can book 1 or more and save now before they go to the regular rates.
The Downtown Flea: Every Sunday 11-4 in the uber-hot South Park District. The lot is 40,000 sq feet. Fenced in. And adjacent to the Packard Lofts.
Food Truck Fridays: Every Friday 4pm -8pm on the same lot!
We have 4 huge IG Influencers ready to tag the events as soon as we start to fill up. We also obtained over 20,000 emails from DTLA residents!
Come join us.