odd market live

A New Way To Do Events

Let’s face it, virtual events and offices are not a fad anymore. They are here and growing in popularity at record speed. Introducing the Odd Market Campus. Our private Island that’s open 24/7. We have a massive event space, a 24 hour Artists Mall, Multiple Stages, a private beach, a soccer field, virtual offices and much more.

With our Private Campus, we can be open 24/7. Sellers can rent booths by the day, week or month. You can live stream directly to your booth! There are break out rooms and areas for private conversation. Show products and PDF’s, videos and slideshows, and much more. 

Please watch the two videos below. Download the VirBELA program, create your Avatar and enter the campus 24/7 to look around.

Get started

NEW! Virtual Booths booking now!
$75 for 7 Days

Intro to VirBELA

How to use the VirBELA Webcam

This is the Expo Hall. A view from the second floor. Below are the Seller booths. We have between 60-150 booths ranging in sizes. During the opening weeks, all Seller Booths are super sized! See below.

NEW! Virtual Booths booking now!
$75 for 7 Days

This is a Seller Booth. It’s a Super Sized Booth with a private table, multiple video screens and branding!

Here you canb see some of the options available to Sellers.

Here’s where it all starts.

We knew when COVID-19 hit, we had to do something. So, we started to look at how we could bring what we do in person to the virtual world and now we’ve done it.

Our Odd Market Island is unlike anything you’ve ever seen, 2 massive expo halls, Multiple Outdoor Stages, a Music Hall, Virtual Offices, a Soccer Field and Beach and much more!

Social Distancing NOT required. Face covering NOT required.

Schedule a Virtual Tour with Phillip Dane

Before your appointment time, please have the software downloaded and your Avatar created. See you on the inside.

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