How To Make Sure You Prepare Breakfast That Can Meet The Nutritional Needs Of Your Kids

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is true for adults, kids, [...]

Relocating the Downtown Flea

Hello, Sadly, we will not be producing the Downtown Flea at the Packard Lofts effective [...]

Halloween at Los Feliz Flea Tomorrow. No Downtown Flea Sunday.

Los Feliz Flea tomorrow is going to be amazing tomorrow! Sellers are gearing up for [...]

Halloween at Los Feliz Flea this Saturday

With everything going on in the world lately and the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, Shelly [...]

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Doing things the right way, is working!

Hey Guys! It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post so I decided [...]

South Park LA endorses Downtown Flea.

Hey! If you have not heard, Downtown Flea kicked off this past Sunday. Although it [...]

Downtown Flea Sellers

This Weeks Sellers Updated in Real-Time as Sellers Book

Sweet N Hollow tomorrow at Los Feliz Flea

Debuting at Los Feliz Flea tomorrow Sept 26th!  Sweet n’ Hollow is an Eastern European [...]

Rock The Flea kicking off with Raised on TV 9/26

We love live music! We love supporting emerging bands and these guys are one of [...]