How Can We Help?

Ground Floor Load In

Load-in for Ground Floor Sellers at our venue is structured to ensure a smooth and efficient morning for all. Please adhere to the following guidelines:



  • Start Time

    Load-in begins promptly at 8:30 am.

  • Entry Point

    Enter through Figueroa Terrace, where you’ll be directed to your designated area.

  • Be Mindful

    Please be courteous and mindful of the sellers coming from the rooftop as they access the vendor parking, which is also located on the ground floor.

  • Booth Vehicle Policy

    • For those with 20×20 foot booths, your vehicle should remain within your space.
    • If you have a 10×10 booth, unload at your assigned spot and then move your vehicle to the vendor parking area on the ground floor.
  • Load-in Ends

    All load-in activities must conclude promptly at 10:45 am to ensure the market can open smoothly and on time.



Your cooperation and punctuality are greatly appreciated and contribute to a successful day for all vendors and visitors. Thank you for being part of our community and respecting these guidelines.

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